By Rocco Malgiero
Your foodservice website might be killing your profits. Especially that weak blog.
I see it there, stagnating with cookie recipes and ice machine cleaning tips. Potential buyers read that weak sauce and click out.
It’s not your fault. You are simply not a content creator — you’re an entrepreneur. When the trial articles failed to produce an ROI, you then redirected resources to more pressing needs.
Problem is, those trials were flawed. Testing the power of content marketing to grow sales using those pointless articles is like testing the power of a Bugatti using the lawnmower fuel that overwintered in your garage. Give content marketing another chance. A real chance. Using a precision strategy, high octane content and fresh SEO best practices.
With patience (all good things take time), you’ll see an ROI.
Here are five ways your website lugs your profit engine and how to fix it with content marketing.
You’re Website is Lost in Net Space
Your ideal buyers don’t know you and will never find you without great content and SEO.
You need to be proactive with your marketing. Today, the battle is on two fronts: Large foodservice dealers are absorbing smaller suppliers, yet there are plenty of new competitors with a low cost of entry. Hanging an ecommerce shingle is becoming easier every day as inventory management improves with advanced 3PL logistics.
Good content is the key. To earn profit commanding revenues, you need to get known by those buyers most inclined to appreciate your value and pay what you’re worth. Before they go shopping. Quality content is naturally SEO and answers the cries of a very vocal market base.
But you had better know what they want. The internet is the platform of the people and they have no shame in airing their grievances. Find them and fix them with well-crafted content and the right buyers will find you.
Once they find you and know you, will they stick around?
Your Website Lacks Appeal
Oh, hi! You’re dull. Bye bye.
Let’s face it, your website is the base model KIA among rows of ugly KIAs adjacent to an Acura dealership.
Even if target buyers luck into finding you, they get bored and they bounce.
Great content pops with personality. People want pizzazz, even when using practical sites for FFE or smallwares. You’ve got personality —- give ‘em what they want.
Targeted content speaks to readers in their words with your unique voice. If the harmony appeals to them, they’ll take the time to see what else you offer.
When you make a connection, visitors feel comfortable and invited to browse, flip through your literature, check out the wares.
But your content needs to grab them instantly. They don’t hang for long — this assessment takes milliseconds. Time is scarce, especially for your customers in the restaurant industry.
They think they like you, but can they trust you?
Your Website Lies to Readers
Something’s fishy.
You know you’re an honest operator and I know it. But, will the visitors know it? To the reader’s subconscious, bad copy whispers that something isn’t legit.
People must trust you to stick around and consume your content. Industry knowledge, concern for the buyer and the terms of service are just three features purchasers evaluate.
Premium buyers want to deal with real people. Compassionate experts that value what they value and understand their business make them feel safe. If your content reveals ignorance for their industry or insults their expertise, their BS alarm rings and they bounce.
Good content connects with the buyer and communicates with authority and in the parlance of their trade: Talk the talk and walk the walk. This included addressing topics that matter most and aid their success vs. filler posts about recipes and reposts from the same trade magazines they’ve likely already read.
Authentic and original content establishes credibility because it reveals your understanding and appreciation for their trade and offers something they cannot get elsewhere. Credibility gains their trust.
Once you’ve earned their interest and respect, will they value your service?
Your Website Offers Nothing of Value
Frankly, my friend, you’re a clone — in both the eyes of the reader and the search engine algorithm.
Look, if you like being a Kia, be a polished, supercharged, custom job with comfortable seats, the latest electronics and performance enhancements. But be useful, not mere flash.
FEDA recently advised, suppliers will need to offer more than supplies if they want to grow, especially with increased labor costs chomping into restaurant expense budgets.
You need a unique value proposition. What sets you apart from the other suppliers? What makes your business different that no other business can easily replicate?
People want more: More benefits. More value. Content marketing earns readers’ appreciation by boosting the value power of your website. It adds the skill of an experienced creator with the unique experiences, skills and knowledge of you, your employees and even your existing customers.
No one else has those features and so, no one else can offer the same solutions and benefits. Sure, they might be similar or even identical at the heart, but with original content the package is uniquely valuable to your target buyers.
Helpful and actionable content is mutually valuable because it solves customer problems, facilitates their success and drives recurring sales for your company.
Hey, they know you, like you and trust you! Fantastic job. But content won’t reach every target buyers and less so those on the margins. Will your loyal visitors spread your good name?
Your Website is Lame
Back off, people! Nothing to share here.
After basic training, we arrived at advanced training where it was our class’ turn to suffer the ritual. The drill sergeant led us to the far edge of the parking lot to behold the horrible machine: his souped-up AMC Gremlin in flat gray, complete with blower snorkel and wide drag tires. It was for sale.
I mean, it was certainly a standout. But for what?
To my knowledge, not one soldier ever bit.
People share web content because it boosts their ego. From memes to white papers, a funny, intelligent or helpful piece of content makes them look funny, intelligent and helpful to their peers when they share it. This isn’t a calculated or selfish act, it’s a split second process in the brain that triggers the click to share synapse.
This is good for your brand because sharing is how content marketing is so cost effective.
You’ve helped them see success in business and now you can help them achieve glory by making your content shareable.
You need a Wow factor.
That doesn’t mean flash and a soundtrack. It means that your content must not only be unique but helpful and entertaining. It should say something new or insightful, be bulletproof and maybe a bit provocative. Whatever fits your brand and voice and harmonizes with your target buyers.
Your loyal readers spread the word of your valuable services, attracting more visitors simply because you make them look great when sharing your content. Then your brand creeps into the minds of the margins — the potential buyers you have not targeted. They come to know, like and trust you and share with their contacts. And so on and so forth.
Great content gets you love, loyalty and exponential growth. But how do you get great content?
Your Website Needs Great Content
Content marketing boosts profits by growing ecommerce traffic. That is provided that content is targeted, well crafted and published to the right platforms. Those keys are cut by a solid content marketing strategy.
- Targeted to the ideal audience
- Well crafted and formatted
- On the correct platforms
A simple strategy is not difficult to plan as long as you have an intimate understanding of your buyers and are confident in your unique value proposition.
On that chassis, you can build a flashy hot rod or a supercharged sleeper that creeps into the market and blows the doors off the competition. Or the understated, reliable work truck.
If you want to grow your website into a mean profit machine that gets known, liked, trusted, appreciated and increased conversions and sales, content marketing is the performance package you need.
Stay tuned for fantastic and actionable guides to designing a strategic content marketing plan.
And click here to chat about crafting authentic, original and targeted blog posts, success stories and guides to win your market share.
Thanks for reading and please, share your thoughts or concerns regarding content marketing in the comments below.